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Top 10 Retirement Roadblocks

November 3, 2014

Americans spend more time planning a vacation or their next car purchase than they do on retirement planning.[1] This is totally understandable as there are many factors to consider when planning for your retirement. While you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, retirement is something that everyone should spend some significant time planning.

Retirement constantly evolves as major life events occur throughout your lifetime—not only to you, but also to your loved ones. Times are uncertain, but your feelings of security for retirement shouldn’t be. It helps to have a road map for your future.

Are you wondering what are the most hard-hitting, most common Retirement Roadblocks?


Top 10 Retirement Roadblocks

  1. Providing care for aging parents or family members
  2. Supporting adult children or grandchildren
  3. Paying for significant medical bills that aren’t covered by insurance
  4. Using retirement savings to pay bills
  5. Spending significant money on home repairs
  6.  Losing some retirement savings because of unsuccessful investments
  7. Receiving pension benefits that are lower than expected or not getting a pension at all
  8. Experiencing a job loss
  9. Taking Social Security benefits before reaching full retirement age
  10. Not getting an anticipated inheritance

While many of these may never apply to you, 90% of retirees say they have experienced a Retirement Roadblock.[2]
At Investment Answers, planning for retirement is our passion. We have many sound strategies available to help prevent these roadblocks from unraveling your retirement.

Do you, or someone you know, need a financial advocate to help design a retirement plan that meets your evolving needs? Use our Contact Us page to schedule an appointment to help ensure your questions are answered. It’s time to Leave Uncertainty Behind.

1] Hicken, Melanie. “Workers spend more time planning vacation than retirement.” August 19, 2014.

[2] Investment Answers Winter 2014 Newsletter  investment-answers-winter-2014-newsletter
